Monday, April 15, 2013

Lest We Forget

Already we are planning memorials for the fallen.
Past memorials have included:

And the World War II Birthday Cake Extravaganza
(who can deny the Holocaust?).

Already (again) we are planning memorials for those
who fell,

who have fallen
who are falling
who will fall.

This is my fifth year of writing a poem a day in April.


  1. I urge you to look into orthomolecular therapy for your son. They have done miracles with people with all kinds of neurological issues. Bill Walsh (see his book Nutrient Power) is one of the pioneers and worked with over 10000 people. He now only does research, but he recommends Mensah Medical. The two Drs there trained under him. You can also google Abram Hoffer and the Pfeiffer Institute. This link has a mother who cured her son of schizophrenia by orthomolecular therapy.

    Margot Kidder cured herself with it. My son has had success with it. There is a cure!

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  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Just saw an article that mentioned you got a book deal. Just wanted to say congratulations and thank you for bringing awareness into the world. Hope the book is a huge success and makes a lasting impact.

  5. I am always considering how to be keep fit our child. Many time I am so worried but I think in little age child should need good diet and health supplement.  Children's Health


I regret that I don't have time to respond to comments on this blog, but I really appreciate your insights. As we speak up for our kids, we can end the stigma of mental illness.